Apulia Praia Hotel

Date:28 Dec, 2018

Skills:Wordpress, Booking Online

Client:Pugliatur - Sociedade Turistica de Apulia


Apulia Praia Hotel

A 4 star hotel in Apulia, north of Portugal, close to the beach, and Ofir Esposende – Portugal. Less than 1 Km is the nightclub Pacha Ofir, and at the south, the Estela Golf Course. Esposende is 6 Km distant. Apulia is served by two highways, the A28 which connects Porto to Viana do Castelo, and the A11, which links to Esposende to Braga and Guimarães, and its access node is in Apulia.

Site version: December 2018
Design and Code: Contacto Visual